Official Academy Awards Prediction: TJ Versus David

The official The Media By Us Oscar prediction showdown between TJ and David. Posted here for posterity, TJ and David talk through every single category for the February 26th ceremony:
(Image: DB Movies Blog)`


TJ: So, let’s start with the shorts. I’ve only seen one. But I’m picking it to win Best Animated Short. Piper was adorable.

David: Piper should be the leading candidate. It has also been awhile since Pixar has one in Best Animated Short – a lot of upsets.

TJ: And with Pixar not having a nomination in the feature category, this could be a decent secondary prize for the studio.

David: Poor Pixar. I hope the billions help. I have not seen nor will see any short for this year. So I’ll take your word.

TJ: It was good. I’ll watch them before the ceremony, I hope. I’m taking Joe’s Violin and Ennemis Interieurs for Doc Short and Live Action Short respectively. Those two categories seem a lot closer than Animated Short.

David: I like to go with the saddest sounding ones, not knowing a lot about them. Give me La Femme et la TGV (film), Blind Vasha (animated) and 4.1 Miles (doc) as some wild cards. Shorts are typically ballot bloodbaths – separating ties and declaring winners

TJ: Nice. I picked Joe’s Violin in hopes that it’s just 5 minutes of my old friend Joe holding a violin. I’d vote for that.

David: Joe seems like a good guy. Good for him.

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