2018 Emmy Predictions: Exhaustive but Compelling

Welcome to our Emmy predictions with your favorite awards-chasers, David and TJ. Nominations come out Thursday July 12th – we’ll come back and see who did the best and figure out who the better person is. Here are predictions for nearly EVERY. SINGLE. MAJOR. CATEGORY. And here we go…

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Emmy Predictions: Supporting Acting

(Image: The Hollywood Reporter)

David: Welcome to our Emmy predictions chat with your favorite awards-chasers, David and TJ. We’re splitting up the work into a couple different conversations to cover the major acting and series categories. Today we’re looking at supporting acting in a Comedy and Drama.

TJ: Yes. Yes we are.

David: In the end, we’ll tally up our predictions on July 13th, when the nominations are announced. Whoever wins is the better person, pretty much.

TJ: We split the Oscars predictions, right? You won the nominations game and I won when it counted?

David: I guess you could look at it that way.

TJ: Or you could be wrong. ANYWAYS…

David: We’ll kick it off then.

Continue reading “Emmy Predictions: Supporting Acting”